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How to get a promo code for LetsExchange.io

Oct 26, 2023 3 min read

To make your swap even more beneficial, LetsExchange.io offers its users promo codes. When applying a promo code, a user gets cash back. The more significant the swapping sum is, the bigger the cashback.

You can check how to use a promo code when swapping crypto on LetsExchange in this guide.

You can get promo codes for a specific number of activations valid during a particular time by completing quests and participating in our activities organized by the platform.

The easiest way to get a promo code is to complete one of several quests on our platform on Zealy or on QuestN.

To complete quests on QuestN for receiving a promo code for swaps on LetsExchange, you need to have an account on X (former Twitter). After that, you have to complete all the steps provided in the quest, and you will get your promo code.

Completing quests on Zealy is available at any time. Here is how you can receive promo codes.

To receive a promo code for 1 swap, complete one of the following quests:

  1. Subscribe to our account on X (formerly Twitter), and write us a DM on this network with the text “Quest is done.”
  2. Learn how to use our Telegram bot.
  3. Reply correctly to quiz questions about LetsExchange.
  4. Register an account and send us the mail you’ve used for registration.

Note: quests unlock one by one when you complete them. The promo code will be sent after verification by the LetsExchange team within 48 hours.

To receive a promo code for 3 swaps, complete the following quests:

  1. Test our Swap functionality: make a swap and send us the Exchange ID.
  2. Test our DEX functionality: swap the DEX mode and send us the link.
  3. Write a review about LetsExchange on X (formerly Twitter), tag LetsExchange and one of your friends. Send us the link to the tweet.

To receive a promo code for 10 swaps with a three-month validity time, complete three quests:

  1. Swap $250 or more, request a receipt, and send us the receipt number if you’ve selected the Swap mode. If your choice was the DEX mode, send us an explorer transaction link when the transaction is completed.
  2. Write a feedback about LetsExchange on X (formerly Twitter), tag LetsExchange and one of your friends. Send us the link to the post.
  3. Write your opinion on one of our articles, post it on X (formerly Twitter), and tag LetsExchange and one of your friends. Send us the link to the post.

To receive a promo code for 20 swaps with a six-month validity time, complete three quests:

  1. Swap $500 or more in the DEX mode, and send us an explorer transaction link when the transaction is completed.
  2. Swap $500 or more in the Swap mode, request a receipt with the swap details, and send us the receipt number.
  3. Write a feedback about LetsExchange on X (formerly Twitter), tag LetsExchange and one of your friends. Send us the link to the tweet.

Completing quests is not the only way to get promo codes. We are sharing promo codes with our users on social networks, and you can get them by asking the best questions during one of our Ask Me Anything (AMA) sessions with our partners. Moreover, LetsExchange conducts different campaigns for users with the possibility to win promo codes. Thus, subscribe to our social media to be updated about all news and get more promo codes.