XAI coin is available for swapping on LetsExchange.io. LetsExchange allows you to buy it with over 5,000 coins and tokens, at a market or a floating rate.
What Is XAI?
Xai network is working on enabling real-world economies in video games. The XAI coin is the backbone of the ecosystem. It enables gamers to own and trade in-game assets thus moving video gaming to a new level. It also lowers the entry barrier to newbies because they can start playing a game and benefiting from it without using a crypto wallet.
How to Buy XAI on LetsExchange: a Step-by-Step Guide
If you want to buy XAI, you can do it easily and rapidly on LetsExchange.
Also, you can access the profitable LetsExchange affiliate program and earn additional income from each swap made by your friends or followers.
To proceed with the swap, perform the following steps.
Open the exchange widget. In the You Send field pick a coin that you want to swap for XAI. In our example, we will pick the default coin BTC for simplicity, however, you can use any of the supported 5,000 coins and assets, any of the coins you have.
Provide the amount of the coins you want to sell. In our example, we pick 0.1 BTC.

Choose the exchange rate type: fixed or market.
If you pick a fixed rate, you fix the amount of coins to receive. The number of coins that you will get will be the same as displayed in the widget when you start the swap.
If you pick a market rate, the platform will pick the best exchange rate among multiple liquidity providers. If the exchange rate changes while the swap is processed, the sum to receive may be different from the sum that is initially displayed in the widget.
We pick a fixed rate, but you are free to pick a market rate if you believe that the exchange rate may change to your benefit.

In the You get window, pick XAI.

Note please that this coin is supported by several blockchains. Make sure you choose not only the correct coin but also the right blockchain. Otherwise, your funds will be lost.
You can also swap the coins or get your XAI in a decentralized environment. We pick XAI on Abritrum one, Swap mode.
Now, the picked coin will be displayed in the You get field. The sum that you will get will be calculated automatically.

If you have a promo code, type it in. You will get some funds as a reward. You can use a promo code only if you have selected a fixed exchange rate for your swap.

Click on the Swap option.

Now, the widget will display a window where you will be asked to copy–paste your receiving wallet address. Your XAI coins will be sent there.

If you want, you can also fill in the refund address. If the swap doesn’t go as expected, we will send your coins back there.
Also, add a valid email address.

Check all the data once more and hit the Proceed button.

After that, you will be displayed an address where you need to send the deposit. Once the deposit is received, the platform will process the swap, and your XAI coins will be sent to your wallet.
After the transaction is completed, you can download the receipt with all the transaction details.
You can swap XAI right now in the widget below.
XAI powers one of the most promising ecosystems that may lay the foundation for the development of next-generation video games. It will enable players to enter the world of blockchain-based video gaming and benefit from all the benefits of it such as ownership rights without having a crypto wallet. This is why buying it now may be a wise investment in the long term.