LetsExchange / LetsExchange Blog / How to Buy Theta?

How to Buy Theta?

May 5, 2023 3 min read

Are you thinking about purchasing Theta? This is a token that powers a blockchain ecosystem developed for video streaming purposes. In it, users can handle the bandwidth and computing resources on a P2P basis and benefit from whatever they provide for the network or video content they create for it.

Theta is quite a promising asset. Therefore, LetsExchange supports it. Here, you can buy it without KYC and mandatory registration.

What Is Theta?

Theta is a token behind the Theta ecosystem, a blockchain created for video streaming. The token has successfully survived the recent crypto winter and continues its growth. For those who are interested in investing in the long term, Theta can be an interesting option.

How to Buy Theta

As we have mentioned, you can buy Theta on LetsExchange. The best option to buy Luna is to use LetsExchange. Here is how you can do it easily, without KYC and registration.

We will use Bitcoin (BTC) to buy Theta in this example.

In the You Send field, select the crypto you will swap for Theta (BTC in our example). Then, type in the amount of BTC that you want to sell.

Next, in the You Get field, pick Theta.

The exchange widget will automatically calculate the amount of coins you will get and display it in the You Get field.

If you have a promo code, add it in its respective field.

Click on the Swap button to proceed.

Now, copy-paste the receiving wallet for Theta. There, your coins will be sent after the swap. Indicate also a refund address: there, your coins will be sent back if something goes wrong with the swap.

After providing the requested wallet addresses, click on the Apply button to complete your swap.

The widget will display a deposit wallet address where you must send the payment (the BTC funds in this case). Once done, the swap will be processed, and the purchased Theta will be sent to your wallet as soon as the transaction is confirmed on the blockchain.


Theta can become a promising investment in the long term. The project is working on one of the most complex issues of the community: content creation, copyright, and rewards for content creators. Therefore, one can consider investing some funds for the future in this coin.


Is Theta a good investment?

For now, the entire potential of the project is not realized. Over time, when this field develops, and the value that the project delivers is finally appreciated to a full extent, the coin’s value may surge.

How high can Theta go?

Theta is very promising in the long term. At the moment, it may not grow fast but the growth promises to be consistent and sustainable.