LetsExchange enables its users to buy and sell cryptocurrencies with fiat. For crypto-fiat and fiat-crypto transactions, we collaborate with our partners – fiat payment providers:
You can top up your crypto wallet or sell crypto for fiat with a bank card, a bank account, Google Pay, Apple Pay, or Sepa on LetsExchange.
To buy or sell crypto with fiat, you start by providing the relevant data into the widget, and then, you complete the transaction in a safe environment of a selected fiat payment provider.
Here is how it is done.
A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Buy Crypto with Fiat
To buy or sell crypto with fiat, proceed with the following steps.
Сlick the Buy/Sell tab in the widget.
Pick whether you want to buy or sell cryptocurrency. In our example, we will be buying crypto. To sell crypto for fiat, you use the same tab and proceed similarly.
Now, indicate what fiat currency you will sell and what crypto you will buy. In our example, we will buy BTC with EUR, but you can choose any available coins. In our example, we will be buying BTC with EUR, but you can choose any available coins.
In the You Send field, pick the fiat currency you want to buy crypto with and provide the sum. In the You Get field, indicate which crypto you want to purchase. The sum to receive will be calculated automatically.
Now, select the option that you will use to buy crypto. In our example, we will use a bank card, but you can use a bank transfer, a Sepa transfer, or depositing funds with Google Pay or Apple Pay.
You will be displayed a fiat payment provider that offers the best rate for the selected operation. In our case, it is Mercuryo.
You can also check other available options and pick a different provider if you want. Just click on it to do so, and click the Save button.
In our example, we stick to the provider that offers the best rate – Mercuryo. Click the Save button to proceed.
Further, provide the receiving address for the crypto you want to buy, and click on the Apply button. Check once more all the information that you’ve provided. If everything is correct, click on the Confirm button.
You will be redirected to the fiat payment provider to complete the exchange.
You will be redirected to the safe environment of Mercuryo, where you will be requested to confirm your payment method (a bank card in our case) and to proceed with providing some data such as bank card number, CVC, your name & last name.
Some fiat payment providers, such as Transak, will request you to complete a verification process within which you will have to provide your address, submit your ID documents, and take a selfie.
All these steps are completed in an environment of the selected fiat payment provider, not on the LetsExchange platform. We don't collect nor store your personal data.
Your bank may request additional verification by asking you to provide a code sent in an SMS or any other way. Please proceed as requested. After that, your purchase will be completed, your fiat currency will be withdrawn from your card, and the selected crypto will be purchased and sent to the receiving wallet address you’ve provided.
If you left your email when initiating the transaction, you will also receive an email from LetsExchange with all the details of your exchange.