How to buy REN?

REN is one of thousands of tokens supported by LetsExchange. Here, you can purchase REN directly with over 5,000 other coins and tokens.

You can buy as many REN coins as you need, with practically no upper limits. Sign up with the platform because, with an account, you get many benefits such as useful tools to manage your crypto portfolio, and access to affiliate tools.

What is REN?

Ren (REN) is an open protocol designed to facilitate interoperability and liquidity across diverse blockchain networks. Originally called Republic Protocol, Ren introduced its virtual machine mainnet, RenVM, in May 2020, following a successful $34 million ICO in 2018.

REN, the protocol's native token, serves as collateral for operators of Darknodes, which power RenVM.

How to buy REN on LetsExchange: a step-by-step guide

To proceed with swapping your coin for REN on LetsExchange, follow these steps.

In the "You Send" field of the exchange widget, select the coin you want to exchange for REN. In this example, we will use Bitcoin (BTC), but you can choose from over 4,900 supported assets.

Enter the amount of the coin you wish to swap. For this example, we will swap 0.1 BTC, but you can enter any amount you wish to exchange.

Once you've entered the details, you can continue with the next steps to complete the swap!

When choosing the exchange rate type on LetsExchange, you have two options:

  1. Fixed Rate:
    • You will receive the exact amount of REN specified in the "You Get" field.
    • A fixed rate allows you to use a promo code, which may offer additional cashback or rewards.
  2. Market Rate:
    • The sum you receive may vary from the initial amount displayed in the widget.
    • LetsExchange will choose the best rate from multiple liquidity providers, and your swap will be completed at that rate.

If you're looking for certainty in the amount you'll receive, the Fixed Rate option is the best choice.

Choosing the Fixed Rate is a great decision, as it guarantees the exact amount you’ll receive. Plus, with the fixed rate, you can use a promo code, offering you a chance to get cashback. It’s a nice bonus that ensures you get the best value out of your swap.

In the You Get window, select REN from the list of available tokens.

Now, REN will be displayed in the You Get field, and the amount you’ll receive will be calculated automatically based on the current exchange rate.

If you have a promo code, simply enter it to receive cashback on your transaction. If you don’t have one, feel free to follow us on social media for updates. We often host events where you can earn promo codes and other valuable rewards!

Clicking the "Swap" option will begin the process of exchanging your selected coin for REN. Make sure all the details are correct before proceeding to ensure a smooth transaction.

Once you enter your receiving wallet address, the swapped REN coins will be sent there. Ensure that the address is correct to avoid any issues.

Optionally, you can provide a refund address in case the swap doesn’t go as planned, and the funds will be refunded there.

Make sure to enter a valid email address as well to receive updates about the progress of your swap.

After reviewing all the data to ensure everything is correct, click the Apply button to proceed.

Once you receive the deposit wallet address, send your coins to that address. After the transaction is confirmed, the REN will be sent to the receiving wallet address you provided.

You can download the receipt with all transaction details once the swap is complete.

Additionally, you can track the transaction at any stage by copying and pasting its number on Transaction status page.

You can buy REN right now in the widget below.


REN is working on providing interoperability solutions to blockchains which means that it is working on one of the main issues that the crypto ecosystem is facing. This is why buying REN at the early stage of its development may be a good decision.