How to Buy Proton
Proton is supported by the majority of cryptocurrency exchanges, so purchasing it doesn’t pose any difficulties. You can also do it on LetsExchange.
What Is Proton (XPR)?
The Proton project is a blockchain and platform where developers can create smart contracts. The project aims at providing secure verified identity accounts integrated with layers for financial settlements. It enables users to link their identity with fiat accounts, pull funds and purchase crypto with fiat. It all is done without providing any users’ private information.
History of Proton
The Proton project was developed with a vision to speed up crypto adoption. Since then, Proton has been developed as a customer-friendly peer-to-peer platform for everyday use, and as an app-focused blockchain that covers all developers’ needs.
How to Buy Proton
Purchasing Proton doesn’t pose any difficulties. The coin is quite popular and is supported by the majority of exchanges, including LetsExchange.
To purchase Proton on LetsExchange, follow these instructions.
In the You Send field, pick the crypto you want to exchange for XPR. In our example, we will choose BTC. Provide the sum to exchange.
In the You Get field, pick Proton. Make sure you are selecting the coin in the right network because it is supported on several blockchains. If the network is picked incorrectly, it can lead to the permanent loss of funds.
The sum of XPR coins that you will receive is calculated automatically and displayed in the You Get window.
If you have a promo code, copy-paste or type it in the respective field. When you change the funds, you will get some money as a bonus.
Hit the Exchange button.
You will be moved to the next window. There, you will be asked to provide the receiving address (there, you will get the exchanged funds), and a refund address (if it doesn’t work out, you will get your refunded funds to that wallet address).
Once the data is provided, the Next button becomes active. Click on it to proceed with the swap.
Further, you will be displayed a deposit wallet address with a request to deposit your coins. Do it, and the platform will proceed with the swap. Once the purchase is completed, you will get the exchanged coins in your wallet.
Where to Buy XPR
XPR can be purchased on all major exchanges including LetsExchange.
XPR is a token distinguished by transparency and it has a noble mission. It aims to provide services to all types of users, including those who use crypto from time to time, professionals, and developers. That’s why XPR may be a very wise investment if you are thinking long-term.
Can I buy XPR directly?
Absolutely. You can swap Proton on LetsExchange for any of 2,000+ supported coins and tokens.
How do you get Proton?
This token can be easily purchased on many exchanges, including LetsExchange. Here, you can exchange it for over 2,000+ coins and tokens without any problems and limitations.