LetsExchange / LetsExchange Blog / How to Buy NFP?

How to Buy NFP?

May 3, 2024 4 min read

NFP is supported by LetsExchange. It means that you can purchase it directly on our platform with thousands of other coins and tokens.

You can buy as many NFP as you need, upper limits are very high. The platform doesn’t collect the personal and financial information of users, and registering an account is not mandatory. However, we recommend signing up with the platform because, with an account, you get many benefits such as useful tools to manage your crypto portfolio, and access to affiliate tools.

What Is NFP?

NFP is a cryptocurrency designed to support an AI-driven platform that enables users to create and manage AI-generated NFTs (non-fungible tokens). This platform, named NFPrompt, functions within the Web3 framework and focuses on user-generated content. The primary purpose of the NFP coin is to facilitate activities on this platform, including staking, payments, rewards for campaign matching, purchases within the community, and governance of the platform's operations.

How to Buy NFP on LetsExchange: a Step-by-Step Guide

On LetsExchange, you can swap any of the supported 4,500 coins and tokens to NFP. You do not have to register an account, however, we recommend doing so to access an extended set of tools and functions for portfolio management and affiliate tools.

To proceed with the swap, perform the following steps.

In the exchange widget, pick the coin to exchange for NFP in the You Send field. In our example, we will be swapping Bitcoin which is a default coin. But you can sell any other coin that you have.

Provide the amount of the coins you want to swap. In our example, we pick a default sum of 0.1 BTC.

Choose the exchange rate type: fixed or market.

If you pick a fixed rate, you will receive the exact amount specified on the You Get screen. With a fixed rate, you can use a promo code.

If you pick a market rate, the sum to receive may be different from the sum that is initially displayed in the widget. LetsExchange will select the best rate among multiple liquidity providers, and the swap will be completed at that rate.

We pick a fixed rate because, with it, you get an opportunity to receive cashback by entering a promo code.

In the You Get window, pick NFP.

Now, the picked coin will be displayed in the You Get field. The sum that you will get will be calculated automatically.

If you have a promo code, type it in. You will get cashback. If you don’t have a promo code but want to get one, follow us on social media for updates - from time to time, we organize some events for our users where they can be rewarded with promo codes and other valuable rewards.

Click on the Swap option.

Now, the widget will display a window where you will be asked to enter your receiving wallet address. The swapped coins will be sent there.

You can also fill in the refund address. If the swap doesn’t go as expected, your coins will be refunded there.

Check all the data once more and hit the Proceed button.

You will be displayed a deposit wallet address, to which you need to send your coins. After you do so, the coins will be swapped, and your NFPs will be sent to the receiving wallet address you’ve provided.

After the transaction is completed, you can download the receipt with all the transaction details. Also, you can track your transaction at any stage by copy-pasting its number on the Transaction status page.


NFP is a cryptocurrency and an integral part of a broader platform called NFPrompt, which serves as a Prompt Artist Platform on the Web3 ecosystem. This innovative platform enables users to create NFTs generated by Artificial Intelligence (AI) based on user-submitted prompts. It facilitates a new way for creators to transform their ideas into unique digital artworks, which can then be bought and sold within the platform's marketplace​. This is why NFP may be a very good option to consider for long-term investment.