How to Buy Metahero?

Metahero can be purchased for more than 2,300 other tokens and coins on without limitations, KYC, and mandatory registration. How to do it? Let’s check all the details that you may need to make an informed decision.

What Is Metahero?

Metahero is working on an ultra-realistic 3D technology to generate avatars and virtual objects and use them across various social media, art, medicine, etc. The project hopes to catalyze our evolution into the parallel digital universe. In the future, it is expected to become a bridge between the real and the digital world.

How to Buy Metahero on LetsExchange

If you want to purchase HERO without KYC, mandatory registration, and without limitations, is the right place to do so.

To buy HERO, proceed with the following steps.

In the exchange widget, in the You Send field, pick the coin you will swap for HERO. We will pick Bitcoin but you can choose any other available coin. indicate how much you want to exchange for HERO. In our case, we use 0.01 BTC.

Pick a fixed or a floating exchange rate. By picking a fixed rate, you confirm that you want to receive the exact sum that is displayed in the widget when you start the exchange. By picking a floating rate, you agree that the sum to receive will be calculated at the moment of swapping, and thus, can differ from the one you see in the widget at the moment when you start a transaction.

In the You get window, pick HERO.

Now, the HERO coin will be displayed in the You get field. The sum to receive will be calculated automatically.

If you have a promo code, type it in to get some coins additionally.

Hit the Exchange option.

Further, copy-paste your receiving address into a respective window. Your HERO coins will be sent there.

You can also fill in the refund address. If something doesn’t work with the swap, we will refund your money there.

Make sure all the provided data is correct and click on the Next button.

Finally, you will be shown a wallet address to send your deposit. Send your coins there and wait until the swap is completed.

Once the funds are sent to your wallet, you can download the receipt.


Metahero is a project with an interesting vision and promising perspectives. If the team moves forward with its plans, HERO may become a good investment. You can buy HERO here, on LetsExchange, without any issues and limitations.

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