How to Buy Memecoin?
MEME is a native token of Memeland, a Web3 venture studio. Now, MEME is available for swaps on LetsExchange for 5,000+ other coins and tokens.
What Is MEME?
MEME is the token of Memeland, a Web3 venture studio that contributes to Web3 development and adoption.
How to Buy MEME on LetsExchange: a Step-by-Step Guide
MEME is supported by the majority of exchanges, and LetsExchange is not an exception. Here, you can buy it easily, within a couple of clicks, for over 5,000 coins and tokens.
To purchase MEME, follow these steps.
Move to the exchange widget.
In the You Send window, select the coin that you will use to buy MEME, and type in the sum that you want to sell. In our example, we will choose the default value of 0.1 BTC.
After that, decide whether you prefer to exchange your coins at a fixed or a market rate. On default, a market rate is selected.
If you pick a fixed rate, you agree that the amount to receive will be the same as the amount indicated in the You Get field of the widget at the moment of the swap start. We pick this rate because with it, we can use a promo code.
By leaving a market rate, you agree that the swap will be completed at a market rate valid at the swapping time. If the exchange rate changes while you are providing the data and the deposit is being processed, the number of coins that you will get may differ from the number that was initially displayed in the You Get field in the widget.
in the You Get field, select MEME.
The coin is available in the Swap mode and in the DEX mode. We pick the Swap mode, but if you prefer a decentralized environment, you can exchange it in the DEX mode, too. The exchange process will differ.
The number of coins to receive will be calculated automatically.
If you have a promo code, type it in to get a cashback.
Hit the Swap button.
Copy-paste the MEME receiving address. You will get your purchased MEME coins there. If you want, provide a refund wallet address, if your swap doesn’t go as expected, your funds will be refunded to that wallet automatically. Finally, type in a valid email address.
Click on the Apply button to proceed.
Send your coins to the deposit address provided by the platform, and wait till the deposit is processed, and your MEME coins are sent to the wallet address you’ve provided. After the swap is completed, you can download the receipt with all the swap details.
You can swap MEME right now in the widget below.
You can buy the MEME coin on LetsExchange within a couple of clicks, easily and rapidly, with more than 5,000 coins and tokens. If you have any queries or questions, customer support is available 24/7.