Kadena Coin is quite a popular asset in the crypto market. It is supported by many exchanges, including LetsExchange Therefore, you can buy it directly here, on the platform.
What Is Kadena Coin (KDA)?
Kadena coin is a native coin of Kadena blockchain, an improved version of the Bitcoin blockchain. Kadena combines high scalability levels with the top security level of the crypto father’s blockchain. These features make Kadena especially suitable for big enterprises.
How to Buy Kadena Coin on LetsExchange: a Step-by-Step Guide
You can purchase KDA on our platform even if you have no previous experience of interacting with instant exchanges. The entire process is highly intuitive.
To buy KDA, proceed as follows.
Open the exchange widget.
In the You Send field, pick the coin that you want to use for purchasing KDA. Indicate the sum to sell.
In our example, we will use BTC but you can pick any other from the 5,000+ available coins and tokens. We are going to spend 0.1 BTC to purchase KDA.

Select whether you want to swap at a fixed or a market rate.
If you choose a fixed rate, you will get the exact number of coins that is displayed in the exchange widget. You can also type in a promo code to get cashback.
If you choose a market rate, the number of coins you receive may differ from the number displayed in the widget at the start of the swap. It happens if due to volatility, coin prices change. So, you may get more or fewer coins in the end.

In the You get window, select KDA.

Now, you can see the coin in the You get field. The sum of coins to receive is also displayed.

If you happen to get a promo code, copy it in the respective field to get cashback.

Click on the Swap button.

After that, copy-paste the wallet address to which you want to receive KDA in the field KDA receiving address.
There is a field to provide a refund address. Providing it is not mandatory but you can do it. If the transaction isn’t processed, we will send your money there.
Type in a valid email address.

Check all data once more, and click on the Apply button.

Now, send the deposit to the address you are displayed, and we will process your swap. All the steps will be displayed in the widget, and after the swap is completed, you can download a receipt with all the swap information.
Kadena is a promising blockchain that combines the best features of Bitcoin and new technologies. It is a perfect solution for big-scale companies and thus, in the future, KDA may grow in value exponentially.
You can swap Kadena right now in the widget below.
Please keep in mind that the above information is based exclusively on our observations and is provided for informational purposes only. It doesn’t constitute any kind of financial advice nor represents an official forecast. Cryptocurrency is a highly volatile asset, and you are investing in it at your own risk.