How to Buy Jasmy?
Jasmy is supported by major exchanges such as Binance, Coinbase, KuCoin, and many others. LetsExchange also supports this token and offers to buy or sell it for 5,000+ other coins and tokens.
What Is Jasmy?
Jasmy is a token of Jasmy Corporation, a Tokyo-based Internet-of-Things provider. Jasmy Corporation specializes on buying and selling data thus connecting data providers and users for a mutual benefit.
How to Buy Jasmy on LetsExchange: a Step-by-Step Guide
On LetsExchange, you can buy Jasmy rapidly and practically without limitations. All you need to have is a wallet where you will receive the token, and some funds to purchase it.
To purchase Jasmy on LetsExchange, perform the following steps.
Open the exchange widget.
In the You Send window, choose a coin that you want to exchange for Jasmy. Indicate which sum you want to swap. In the example, we will be selling 0.1 BTC.
Select whether you will be swapping at a fixed or a market rate.
By choosing a fixed rate, you ensure that the number of coins to receive is the same as is displayed in the widget in the You Get field when the swap is initiated. You can also use a promo code to get cashback.
When you pick a market rate, you agree that the coins will be swapped at the rate that is valid at the moment of swapping. If the exchange rate changes while you are providing the swap data, you will receive a number of coins that differs from the one indicated in the You Get field when you are starting the exchange. This rate type is good for experienced users.
in the You Get field, select Jasmy. Note please that Jasmy is available on two blockchains: Ethereum and BNB Chain. Make sure you are choosing the right network, otherwise, your funds will be lost.
We will pick Jasmy on the Ethereum blockchain for the example. But if you need to swap your coins for Jasmy-BEP20, you are free to do so.
Another detail to consider is that Jasmy can be exchanged via a Swap functionality and through the DEX. We will pick the Swap functionality but if you prefer buying Jasmy on a DEX, you can do it.
The number of coins to receive will be calculated automatically.
If you have a promo code, you can type it in the respective field to get cashback. This field is not mandatory though.
Hit the Swap button to proceed.
Copy-paste the Jasmy receiving wallet address (to this address, your Jasmy coins will be sent), and provide a refund address if you want. To the refund address, your funds will be refunded if the swap doesn’t go as expected. Type in the valid email address.
Click on the Apply button to proceed.
Send the deposit to the wallet address that will be provided by the platform. Copy-paste the address provided by the platform or scan the QR code. After that, wait till the swap is processed by the platform and your Jasmy coins sent to your receiving wallet. Download the receipt with all the swap details.
You can swap Jasmy right now in the widget below.
Purchasing Jasmy on LetsExchange is easy and safe. You can do it with more than 5,000 coins and tokens, within a couple of clicks.