LetsExchange / LetsExchange Blog / How to Buy Internet Computer Coin (ICP)?

How to Buy Internet Computer Coin (ICP)?

Jun 9, 2023 3 min read

The Internet Computer coin is behind a project that works on developing a network that would transform the entire approach to blockchain development and operation. Now, the Internet Computer Coin can be purchased for over 5,000 coins and tokens on LetsExchange.io.

What Is the Internet Computer Coin (ICP)?

The Internet Computer Coin supports a project that aims at transforming blockchain technology.

For now, it provides the first blockchain that can be used for anything: developing a system or service with any capacity, even for creating demanding social media platforms!

How to Buy ICP on LetsExchange

Purchasing ICP on LetsExchange involves just a couple of steps. Even if you have no experience in crypto, you can do it without difficulties.

And if you want to get more benefits and enjoy more advanced features, consider registering an account and joining our affiliate program.

To buy ICP on LetsExchange.io, perform the following steps.

Open the exchange widget. In the You Send field, pick the coin you want to swap for ICP. In our case, it will be Bitcoin. Indicate the sum that you want to sell. For simplicity, we pick the default sum of 0.1 BTC.

Choose whether you want to swap the coins at a fixed or a market exchange rate.

A fixed rate means that you will get the exact amount of coins that is displayed when you start the transaction. It allows you to use a promo code to get cashback. This is why we pick this rate type for the example.

A market rate means that your swap will be completed at the rate available in the market at the moment when the swap is being performed on a blockchain. The number of coins to receive may differ from the number that is displayed in the widget when you start your swap.

In the You get window, pick ICP.

Now, this coin will be displayed in the You get field. The sum to receive will be calculated automatically.

If you have received a promo code, type it in to get some coins as a bonus

Click on the Swap button.

In the window where you are moved, indicate the receiving address. We will send your ICP coins there after the swap is completed.

If you want, add a refund address, too. If, for some reason, the transaction isn’t completed, we will refund your funds there.

Add a valid email address.

Recheck all data and click on the Apply button.

You will be displayed a deposit address. Send your coins there, and we will proceed with the swap. All the stages of the transaction are displayed in the widget so that you can follow the process.

Once the swap is completed, you will be notified, and you can download a receipt with all the swap details.

You can swap ITC right now in the widget below.


Internet Computer is a project that can change the way a blockchain works and the way we perceive it. Therefore, ICP may be a very promising investment in the long term. Now, when it is available on LetsExchange, you can buy it without any restrictions, at the most convenient rates.