How to Buy FLOW

FLOW is a native coin of the Flow blockchain which was designed to become a foundation for Web3 and open metaverse. FLOW is a very popular token and is supported by all major exchanges such as Binance, Kraken, HTX, and many others. You can buy it also on LetsExchange for one of 5,000+ other coins and tokens, at the best rates, easily and without issues.

What Is FLOW?

FLOW is a token that supports the Flow blockchain. The blockchain was created to lay a foundation for sustainable and stable development of Web3 and open metaverse. It supports dApps, NFTs, DeFi, and whatever else is needed to play the determined role.

How to Buy FLOW

The FLOW coin is one of 5,000+ coins and tokens supported by LetsExchange. Thus, you can buy it directly on the platform, without any issues or delays.

By purchasing your FLOW coins here, you can count on the reliability of the service, the best rates, convenience, and 24/7 support.

All you are required to do is to follow the instructions.

Open the page with the exchange widget.

In the You Send field, select the coin that you will swap for FLOW. Indicate what sum you want to swap.

In our example, we will pick a default coin which is Bitcoin but you can use any other.

In the You Get field, pick FLOW. The coin is supported in its native blockchain and on the Binance Smart Chain. Make sure you are picking the right network or your funds will be lost.

In the example, we will choose the native blockchain.

The sum to get is calculated automatically and displayed in a respective window.

Select whether you want your coins to be swapped at a fixed or a market rate. When you choose a fixed rate, you will receive the exact number of coins that is displayed in the You Get field in the widget.

If you get a market rate, the number of coins to receive may differ from the one displayed in the widget when you are starting the swap. If the exchange rate in the market changes, it will impact the number of coins to receive.

Provide a promo code if you have it, and get some coins as a bonus.

Now, click on the Swap button.

You will be displayed the following window.

Copy-paste your wallet address to which you will receive FLOW, and provide your refund address - we will refund you your funds in case something doesn’t go as expected.

Do not forget to provide your valid email address to proceed.

Click the Apply button.

After that, deposit the requested amount to the address that will be provided, and the platform will process your swap. Once the transaction is confirmed on the blockchain, you will get your FLOW coins in your wallet and can download a receipt with all the transaction data.

You can exchange FLOW right now in the widget below.


FLOW is one of the booming coins, and with the growth of acceptance of Web3, its importance in the crypto space will be increasing, as well as its price. This is why it may be reasonable to consider it for your investment portfolio. On LetsExchange, you can buy it easily, within a couple of clicks.


Can I buy FLOW directly from other users?

Yes, FLOW is available on the majority of exchanges, including decentralized ones.

How do you get FLOW?

You can buy FLOW on all main exchanges, including LetsExchange. Just pick an option that is safe, fast, and where you can count on efficient customer support.

Where can you buy FLOW?

You can buy FLOW on all main decentralized and centralized exchanges. Instant services are also not an exception. LetsExchange allows you to purchase FLOW with one of 5,000 supported coins and tokens or buy it with fiat.