
EVMOS is an EVM for Web3 powered by its native token which is also called EVMOS. Now, EVMOS can be bought for over 5,000 coins and tokens on LetsExchange.
What is EVMOS?
Evmos (EVMOS) is a customizable and interoperable EVM designed for Web3 businesses, seamlessly integrating with the Cosmos ecosystem. As the canonical EVM chain on Cosmos, it utilizes the Cosmos SDK to enhance composability, interoperability, and fast finality for Ethereum-based applications and assets. This strategic positioning establishes Evmos as the flagship implementation of evmOS, providing a powerful platform for decentralized applications.
How to buy EVMOS on LetsExchange: a detailed guide
While EVMOS may not be supported by such giants as Binance and Coinbase, you can still find it on the majority of exchanges, and LetsExchange is not an exception. Here, you can buy EVMOS within a couple of clicks, absolutely securely.
Here is how you do it.
Open the exchange widget and pick a coin with which you will be swapping for EVMOS. In our case, it will be Bitcoin, with a default value of 0.1 BTC.
Select EVMOS in the You Get field. This coin runs on several blockchains, we will choose its native blockchain, but you choose the network that you need. Be extra careful with it because if you select the wrong network, your funds will be lost.
Now, the coin is displayed in the You Get field, and the sum to receive is calculated automatically.
Select whether you will be swapping the coin at a fixed or a floating rate.
If you choose a fixed rate, you can use a promo code to get cashback. Also, you get the exact number of coins that is displayed in the widget at the moment of swapping. We pick a fixed rate to use a promo code.
If you select a market rate, the platform will pick the best exchange rate among multiple liquidity providers, and will process your swap at that rate. In such a case, you can receive a different number of coins than the one initially displayed in the widget.
Hit the Swap button.
Copy-paste the EVMOS receiving address. You will get your coins there.
If you want, provide a refund wallet address, if your swap doesn’t go as expected, your funds will be refunded to that wallet automatically.
Finally, type in a valid email address. This will facilitate our communication with you if something doesn’t go as expected.
Click on the Apply button to proceed.
Send your coins to the deposit address provided by the platform and wait for the deposit to be processed. Once complete, your EVMOS coins will be sent to the wallet address you provided. After the swap, you can download the receipt containing all swap details.
You can swap EVMOS right now in the widget below.
You can purchase EVMOS on LetsExchange alongside over 5,000 other crypto assets at either a market or floating exchange rate. All fees and charges are included in the displayed amount. If you have any questions, our 24/7 customer support is ready to assist.