DAI is one of the many tokens supported by LetsExchange. You can purchase DAI directly with over 5,000 other coins and tokens on the platform. There are virtually no upper limits when buying DAI here.
What is DAI?
DAI, an Ethereum-based stablecoin, is issued and developed by the Maker Protocol and MakerDAO, a decentralized autonomous organization. Its price is soft-pegged to the U.S. dollar, backed by a mix of cryptocurrencies held in smart-contract vaults whenever a new DAI is minted.
How to buy DAI on LetsExchange: a step-by-step guide
On LetsExchange, you can quickly and smoothly swap any of the 5,000+ supported crypto assets for DAI. To proceed with the swap, follow these steps:
In the "You Send" field of the exchange widget, select the coin you wish to exchange for DAI.
We'll use Bitcoin as an example, but you can choose from over 5,000 supported assets.
Enter the amount of coins you want to swap—in this case, we will swap 0.1 BTC.

Select the exchange rate type: fixed or market.
If you choose a fixed rate, you'll receive the exact amount shown on the "You Get" screen, and you can apply a promo code. If you don’t have a promo code but would like one, follow us on our social networks. The platform hosts various activities where you can earn rewards and receive promo codes by participating.
If you opt for a market rate, the amount you receive may differ from the initial estimate shown in the widget. LetsExchange will find the best rate from multiple liquidity providers, and the swap will be completed at that rate.

We choose a fixed rate because it allows you to receive cashback when you enter a promo code.

In the "You Get" field, select DAI.

The selected coin will now appear in the "You Get" field, and the amount you will receive will be calculated automatically. Please note that the asset is supported by multiple blockchains, so ensure you select the correct one.

If you have a promo code, enter it to receive cashback. If you don’t have one but would like to get one, follow us on social media for updates. We regularly host events to reward users with promo codes and other exciting prizes.

Click the "Swap" button.

The widget will now prompt you to enter your receiving wallet address, where the swapped coins will be sent. You can also provide a refund address in case the swap doesn’t go as planned, and your coins will be returned there. Lastly, enter a valid email to receive updates on the progress of the swap.

Double-check the details and click the "Apply" button.

A deposit wallet address will be shown, where you need to send your coins. Once the transfer is completed, the coins will be swapped, and your DAI tokens will be sent to the receiving wallet address you provided. After the transaction is finished, you can download the receipt with all the transaction details. You can also track your transaction at any stage by copying and pasting its number on the Transaction status page.
You can buy DAI right now in the widget below.
A key advantage of DAI is its management by a decentralized autonomous organization through a software protocol, not a private company. This setup ensures that all token issuance and burning are managed and transparently recorded by self-enforcing smart contracts on Ethereum, making the system more transparent and less vulnerable to corruption.
Now, you can buy DAI on LetsExchange with over 5,000 supported coins and tokens safely and smoothly.