How to Buy CHZ?
LetsExchange supports CHZ, allowing direct purchases on our platform alongside over 5,000 cryptocurrencies. There’s no limit to how much CHZ you can buy, as our upper thresholds are set generously high.
What Is CHZ?
Chiliz is the top digital currency for sports and entertainment, provided by the Malta-based FinTech company of the same name. It powers the blockchain-based platform Socios, allowing users to engage in the governance of their favorite sports brands. An example of this is the fan tokens offered through For sports clubs and organizations, fan tokens create a way to connect with fans while unlocking new revenue opportunities.
How to Buy CHZ on LetsExchange: a Step-by-Step Guide
On LetsExchange, you have the flexibility to swap any of the supported 5,000 coins and tokens to CHZ.
To proceed with the swap, perform the following steps.
Navigate to the exchange widget and select the cryptocurrency you wish to exchange for CHZ in the You Send field. We’ve selected Bitcoin for our example, but you can pick any other coin you have.
Enter the amount of cryptocurrency you'd like to swap. For instance, in this example, we use a predetermined amount of 0.1 BTC.
Choose whether you want to swap at a market or a fixed rate.
With a fixed rate, you ensure that you will get the exact number of coins displayed in the You Get window at the moment when you confirm the swap. You will be able also to use a promo code and receive a cashback.
By picking a market rate, you agree that the sum to receive may differ from the sum that was initially displayed in the widget. LetsExchange will pick the best offer among multiple liquidity providers and will process your swap.
We select a fixed rate for this example.
In the You Get window, pick CHZ.
The coin is supported on several blockchains, so double-check to choose the right network, otherwise, your funds may be lost.
For the example, we choose the Chiliz native network.
Now, CHZ will be displayed in the exchange widget. The sum that you are going to receive will be calculated automatically.
We have selected a fixed exchange rate, so we can type in a promo code to receive cashback.
Click the Swap button to proceed.
Enter the receiving wallet address. Your CHZ coins will be sent there when the swap is processed.
You can also fill in the refund address. If the swap doesn’t go as expected, your coins will be refunded there.
Type in a valid email address to proceed.
Click the Apply button.
Check all the data once more and hit the Proceed button.
A deposit wallet address will be shown, where you need to send your coins. Once sent, the coins will be swapped, and your CHZs will be sent to the receiving wallet address you provided. After the transaction is complete, you can download the receipt with all the transaction details. You can also track your transaction at any stage by pasting its number on the Transaction status page.
CHZ is a project that caters to a specific audience. Even though, for now, it is difficult to speak about its wide acceptance, sports and entertainment are always actual, and this is why it may be wise to buy CHZ. On LetsExchange, you can do it within a couple of clicks.