How to Buy Chia Coin (XCH)?
Chia Coin is the native token of the Chia network. The network utilizes a novel consensus algorithm called proof-of-space-and-time (PoST). It allows the network to economize on energy consumption without sacrificing network safety.
With it, Chia looks like a promising investment in the long term. Now, the coin can be purchased on
What Is Chia?
Chia is a project that enables users to earn on unused storage space. The project’s focus and main mission are to make decentralized services available all around the world, without sacrificing blockchain performance and safety.
The project addresses such real-world problems as process integrity, digital identity, global trading, payments, custody, and many more without compromising network transparency and efficiency.
How to Buy Chia on LetsExchange: a Step-by-Step Guide
You can swap for Chia any of the available 5,000+ coins and tokens.
To buy Chia, proceed as follows.
Move to the page with the exchange widget. There, in the You Send field, pick the coin you want to exchange for Chia, and provide the sum to sell.
In the You Get field, pick Chia.
The sum to receive will be calculated automatically. If you want to buy a specific number of XCH coins, you can provide the wished sum in the You Get field, and in the You Send field, you will see how many respective coins you need to sell.
Pick the fixed rate if you want to receive the exact sum that is displayed at the start of a swap. If you expect the coin to grow in value, and you want to benefit from short-time market fluctuations, pick the market rate.
If you have a promo code, add it in a respective window to get additional coins.
Hit the Swap button.
In the field that opens, copy-paste the receiving address. It is the wallet address where you want to receive your Chia Coins.
In the refund address, indicate a wallet address where we can refund your funds in case something doesn’t work. This option is not mandatory, you can ignore it.
Provide a valid email address.
Check the information once more, and hit the Next button. After that, you will be provided an address to which you need to send your deposit. After you make so, the swap will be processed, and your Chia Coins will be sent to the wallet you have indicated earlier.
Chia is a promising project with long-term perspectives. By investing in it now, you may be ensuring your future.
You can buy CHIA right now in the widget below.
Is Chia a good investment?
Chia is one of the wisest investments you can make at the moment. The experienced team that includes the former NASDAQ CEO Gene Hoffman, the project is backed up by top crypto VC investors, and innovative approaches to solving real-world problems make us believe that the project is viable.
How high can Chia go?
It is expected that the price of Chia Coin is going to grow exponentially. While other coins will increase in price gradually, Chia may boost in value and deliver multiple times profits to its early adopters.