How to Buy Bitgert

Bitgert (BRISE) can be bought on many cryptocurrency exchanges such as BTCEX, BingX, BitMart, KuCoin, and many others, including LetsExchange where this coin is supported on several networks.

What Is Bitgert (BRISE)?

Bitgert is a token behind a cryptocurrency trading platform. The platform offers a much greater functionality than just selling and buying cryptocurrencies. It offers several payment solutions and unleashes the potential of performing sophisticated transactions in crypto.

Live exchange, Advanced exchange, Launchpad, and IEO listing are just a couple of the options offered by the product.

History of Betgert

The crypto engineering project named Bitgert was launched in July 2021. Initially, the project ran on Binance Chain and used BNB to pay rewards to its users. But in 2022, the entire ecosystem migrated to its own blockchain - BRC20 blockchain.

BRC20 blockchain offers fees that equal almost zero, and supports high-speed cross-chain swaps. With these two functionalities alone, the project already would be worth your attention. But the Bitgert team has long-reaching plans, and many more features are coming.

How to Buy Bitgert

Buying Bitgert is very easy. You can do it for one of 2,000+ supported coins and tokens on LetsExchange. Bitgert has its own wallet so users don’t need to waste their time to look for a wallet that supports this coin. When swapping any other coin to Bitgert, just provide your BRISE wallet as a receiving wallet, and you will get your coins directly there.

Now, follow the guide.

Move to the exchange widget.

In the You Send field, pick the coin with which you will purchase Bitgert. It can be Bitcoin, Ethereum, or any other supported coin. Provide the sum you want to exchange.

In the You Get field, pick Bitgert from the offered suggestions.

The sum of BRISE coins that you will receive when the swap is completed is calculated automatically and displayed in the You Get window.

If you have a promo code, provide it in the respective field to get some funds as a bonus.

Click on the Exchange button.

You will be moved to the following window.

Copy-paste your wallet address to which you will receive BRISE, and indicate your refund address - we will send your funds back there if something goes not as expected.

Click on the Next button.

After that, deposit the requested amount to the address that will be provided, and we will proceed with your swap.

Where to Buy BRISE

BRISE can be purchased on many exchanges including LtsExchange.


BRISE (Betgert) is a token that works for the future. An increasing number of features is being added constantly to boost the project’s value and thus, the price of the token that supports it. We believe that it can be a good investment for a long-term perspective.


Can I buy BRISE directly?

You can buy BRISE directly on any DEX, some centralized exchanges, and on LetsExchange.

How do you get a BRISE?

You can buy this token on the majority exchanges, including LetsExchange.

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