AstroSwap is a DEX built for the most loyal blockchain community. The token of the project is available for purchasing on major DEXes and LetsExchange.
What Is ASTRO?
ASTRO is a token of AstroSwap, the first layer 2 DEX built on the fastest network, Velas. It enables swapping all Cardano tokens in a single place.
How to Buy ASTRO on LetsExchange: a Step-by-Step Guide
ASTRO is available for purchasing on LetsExchange with any of the supported 3,900+ coins and tokens without a mandatory account registration, and without providing any kind of personal information.
To purchase ASTRO, proceed with the following steps.
Open the exchange widget.
In the You Send field, choose the coin that you will exchange for ASTRO. Indicate the sum to sell.
We will use BTC in our example, but you can choose any coin you have in your wallet. We will be selling 0.006 BTC.
Choose whether you want to exchange the coins at a fixed or at a floating rate. If you want to receive the exact sum that is displayed in the widget when the swap initiates, opt for a fixed rate. If you believe that during the swap, the coin's prices may change to your favor, choose a floating rate.
In the You get window, choose ASTRO.
ASTRO is available in several standards, such as BEP20, and ERC20. But ASTRO ERC20 is available on a DEX only, while we are swapping the coins without using a DEX. Therefore, we pick ASTRO BEP20.
Now, you can see ASTRO in the You get field. The sum to receive is calculated automatically.
If you have a promo code, type it in to get cashback.
Click on the Exchange button to proceed.
Copy the wallet address where you want to receive ASTRO, and paste it in the ASTRO BEP20 receiving address field.
You may also provide a refund address, if the swap isn’t processed for one or another reason, we will send your funds back there.
Verify the data, and click on the Next button.
You will be moved to the window where you will be displayed a deposit address. Copy-paste this address to your wallet or scan the provided QR code to send your coins there. After the deposit is received, the swap will be completed, and the ASTRO coins will be sent to your wallet.
After that, you can download a receipt with all the transaction details.
AstroSwap is a promising DEX with ambitious plans. It is built on Velas, one of the fastest networks in the market, and enables swapping all Cardano tokens. In the future, it is planning to develop a wide range of products and even create its NFT collection which means that ASTRO may be a promising investment option.