LetsExchange / LetsExchange Blog / How can teams with their own coin or token make their asset available for swaps with 4,500+ cryptocurrencies?

How can teams with their own coin or token make their asset available for swaps with 4,500+ cryptocurrencies?

Jan 10, 2023 3 min read

Blockchain technology is revolutionizing many industries with innovative solutions to complex problems in everyday life. Cryptocurrencies, one of the most prominent solutions based on blockchain technology, are growing in popularity and adoption. There are currently thousands of cryptocurrencies in circulation. It has become almost the norm that each blockchain project issues its own digital token. But what are the benefits of having your own cryptocurrency?

Issuing a digital token provides more financial flexibility and facilitates the crowdfunding of a project. A cryptocurrency can also be used as one of the elements of an ecosystem based on blockchain technology. Moreover, a token can help to brand a business since many regard cryptocurrencies as the future of payments and financial activities.

Though creating a digital coin is challenging, almost any individual or company can now create a digital token despite the technical difficulties. But successfully launching a token is much tougher. It is time-consuming and requires a lot of effort and commitment. In other words, creating a token is one thing, but maintaining and growing it is another. One of the most demanding tasks is to get crypto investors and traders interested in the new digital asset. For this sake, having a new token listed for trading on crypto exchanges is crucial.

However, getting a major central exchange to list a new token is very difficult, expensive, and time-consuming. Businesses with limited resources often fail to convince exchanges like Binance or Coinbase to feature their tokens. Is there any alternative in such situations? The answer is yes. Instant exchanges like LetsExchange.io are usually friendlier to newly issued coins and tokens. They have better conditions for businesses making their foray into the cryptocurrency market.

So, if your company has issued a crypto token, LetsExchange is the best option to make it popular. LetsExchange is the instant exchange listing the greatest number of cryptocurrencies, currently exceeding 4,500. This platform offers premium exchange services on par with major traditional exchanges. LetsExchange was nominated for the title of “Crypto Exchange of the Year” along with Binance, Huobi, and Crypto.com in 2022. Rest assured, your token will get maximum exposure to the crypto community on this platform.

Moreover, LetsExchange allows you to set up a simple and convenient tool for your community, investors and crypto enthusiasts to trade your crypto assets for the most popular coins. One of the most effective ways to boost interest in your token is by installing a crypto exchange widget on your website. This widget is entirely customizable, and you can configure it such that only your token is exchanged with this functionality. The LetsExchange team can provide all the necessary support to customize it to meet all your requirements.

The LetsExchange widget also allows for flexible commission settings. It means you can earn the desired percentage for every swap performed on your widget or diminish the commissions to offer better exchange rates to the people trading your token. To encourage the purchase of your asset, LetsExchange offers promotional codes through which you can launch various promotions and activities to grow and diversify your interaction with your users.

Your community will be delighted with the benefits of listing your token on LetsExchange. Your customers do not need to register an account to exchange your crypto asset, keeping personal data secure. LetsExchange has beneficial exchange rates for large sums, helping to attract investors. The platform uses its own liquidity, but aggregated liquidity from the most prominent providers can be applied if necessary. As a result, users can swap crypto without limitations.

Ensure the success of your token by listing it on LetsExchange. By partnering up with our platform, you are guaranteed a constantly growing number of users. Most of our traffic comes from Tier 1 countries such as the USA, Canada, and the UK, along with countries with a high crypto acceptance level, such as Turkey and South Africa. Each project receives a personal manager and priority support 24/7. We will be ready to answer your every question or resolve any issue.

Please, feel free to contact us to discuss in more detail how we can help to grow your token.