LetsExchange / LetsExchange Blog / How can crypto teams boost a coin or a token to the market with a Telegram bot

How can crypto teams boost a coin or a token to the market with a Telegram bot

Feb 27, 2024 2 min read

We are observing the rise of Telegram bots thanks to the fact that they enable intent-based interaction within the cryptocurrency sector. This offers immense potential for teams with their own coin or token.

How to benefit from LetsExchange Telegram bot

LetsExchange enables a team to get a custom Telegram bot that offers all the exchange’s functionality with the following benefits:

  • Swap, DEX, and Buy/Sell modes
  • Competitive rates
  • Safety and reliability
  • Ease of use
  • No registration needed for swaps
  • 10 languages

Let's see what such a tool brings to a crypto team.

An easy way to swap

By integrating the LetsExchange Telegram bot, you offer your users a simple way to swap, buy and sell your coin or token. They don’t have to look for a centralized exchange that supports it, register an account, and pass the authentication procedures there. The Telegram bot allows your users to instantly perform all transactions they need directly in the Telegram app, without any hassle.

Token promotion in the market

A Telegram bot allows users to swap a token not only for the most popular assets such as Bitcoin and USDT like on centralized exchanges. A Telegram bot powered by LetsExchage allows users to swap directly any token or coin supported by LetsExchange to each other, including those running on different blockchains. Thus users have access to over 16 mln crypto pairs. In case of a specific token, the number of trading pairs exceeds 4,000.

No need for additional resources

To use a Telegram bot, token and coin teams don’t need to develop any special website or a page. It is sufficient just to get a bot and provide the users with a link to it.

Complete customization

It is possible to fully customize the bot based on the business requirements and the brand. So, you can set up your logo, fonts, colors, used languages, select the coins available for swaps, minimum amount to swap, make it possible to swap and buy your coin only, choose fixed and market rates or use both, activate or deactivate DEX and Buy/Sell modes, and similar.

Marketing support from the LetsExchange team

Additionally, coin and token teams that use our Telegram bot can count on our marketing support and collaboration. LetsExchange marketing team can arrange various cross-promo activities, including AMA sessions, asset reviews, joint quests for users, promo codes, and similar.

Projects that use our Telegram bot

Among the projects and teams that use our Telegram bot, we can distinguish such as Yellow, Validatrium, Telos, InCrypted, eCash, Concordium, and Floki, among others.

Thus, if your team is still missing out on this opportunity, it may be the right time to get in touch and talk.