Fearless Wallet has integrated LetsExchange-powered crypto swap functionality

Fearless Wallet, a mobile wallet platform built for a multi-chain future, has integrated LetsExchange’s crypto swap widget to enhance the wallet’s exchange functionality. This integration will allow Fearless Wallet users to effortlessly exchange 5,000+ cryptocurrencies directly within the wallet, optimizing their crypto management experience with a range of features.

LetsExchange connects with over twenty liquidity providers, ensuring users access the most competitive rates and smooth swaps – even for large transactions. When exchanging cryptocurrencies, users can choose between market rates and fixed rates. Though minor price shifts may occur, market rates offer the best price available across all liquidity sources. Fixed rates, on the other hand, protect users from slippage by locking in the initial rate, providing stability during volatile market conditions. For any swap-related needs, LetsExchange offers round-the-clock customer support, ensuring a reliable experience.

In addition to seamless crypto-to-crypto exchanges, LetsExchange provides robust security measures and user convenience. With LetsExchange’s bridge feature, users gain the flexibility to conduct cross-chain swaps across multiple blockchain networks (e.g., USTD-ERC20 to USDT-TRC20), streamlining asset transfers in the swap mode.

Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, commented on the partnership: “Partnering with Fearless Wallet allows us to bring an enhanced swap experience directly to their users. With the LetsExchange widget, Fearless Wallet users can access over 5,000 assets, enjoying the benefits of our swap functionality and cross-chain feature while having a secure and private exchange experience.”

Andrew Wong, COO of Soramitsu, mentioned, “We couldn’t be more pleased with our partnership with LetsExchange. Users want tangible solutions that provide flexibility and security when buying or swapping digital assets. This partnership brings together the best of both worlds: easy, simple, and straightforward. We look forward to growing this relationship together.”

Fearless Wallet is a non-custodial, multi-chain wallet developed by Soramitsu, an award-winning global fintech company with Japanese origins. Built to accommodate the rapidly evolving DeFi landscape, Fearless Wallet provides secure and efficient asset management, allowing users to interact across over 80 blockchains, both EVM and Substrate. The wallet prioritizes user control and safety, with features like advanced encryption, self-custody for private keys, and anti-scam alerts to identify suspicious transactions.

LetsExchange is a one-stop crypto exchange hub offering support for over 5,000 coins and tokens, making it one of the most diverse selections in the industry. It offers users a range of options, including crypto-to-crypto swaps, cross-chain swaps, bridge functionality, DEX options, and on-ramp/off-ramp services. For partners, LetsExchange provides seamless integration of crypto swap and cross-chain functionalities via API. Additionally, its DEX and Buy/Sell features are accessible through customizable widgets and Telegram mini apps, giving partners flexible, multi-platform solutions for their users.