Edge Integrates LetsExchange Functionality
At LetsExchange.io, we take our mission seriously. Our ultimate goal is to make instant crypto swaps easily accessible to anyone from anywhere in the world. For this sake, we pursue strategic partnerships with major players in the crypto sphere to make our services available on various platforms and applications.
Following this plan, we proudly announce the integration of our instant exchange into Edge. As a result of this new partnership, Edge users can now enjoy all of the following LetsExchange benefits directly inside of their wallet:
- Competitive rates thanks to the Smart Rate technology
- A fully automated exchange process
- No upper limits on the amount of crypto purchased.
Since its launch in 2021, LetsExchange has built a global ecosystem for fast, seamless cryptocurrency swaps. Our crypto exchange functionality is accessible through multiple wallets, exchange aggregators, and media outlets.
Be a Part of the LetsExchange Ecosystem
Aside from providing straightforward crypto exchange services for its users, LetsExchange also offers a ready-made toolset for other platforms to integrate the same features. The LetsExchange Affiliate Program offers several modalities through which crypto-related businesses can be a part of our ever-growing ecosystem. Becoming a LetsExchange partner allows you to earn money with every cryptocurrency swap.
Bloggers, influencers, and anyone interested in teaming up with our instant exchange can do it through the Affiliate Links modality. Placing an affiliate link on your website generates passive income with each crypto swap referred from your link. Businesses like online wallets and exchange listings can opt for the Development API, which integrates a crypto exchange on their websites. To explore all the partnership possibilities and discuss the best option for your business, please contact us at partnership@letsexchange.io.
About Edge
Edge is one of the most popular mobile wallets, compatible with all smartphones, including iOS and Android. This multi-currency wallet has an intuitive user interface that prioritizes usability. Edge utilizes innovative security features to keep your digital assets securely stored. This mobile wallet is perfect for beginners, enthusiasts, and advanced cryptocurrency users searching for an easy-to-use and practical solution. You can download this app free of charge from the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.