LetsExchange / LetsExchange Blog / CrystalCase to Boost New Cryptocurrencies Listed on LetsExchange

CrystalCase to Boost New Cryptocurrencies Listed on LetsExchange

Jun 2, 2023 2 min read

CrystalCase, a market-making company for crypto assets, will help boost the visibility and volume of new cryptocurrencies issued by LetsExchange’s partners.

This company will implement market strategies to increase trading volumes and grow the organic market. Combined with the large number of digital assets listed by LetsExchange (+2,300 at the time of writing), cryptocurrency issuers will benefit from higher visibility and faster growth for their respective coins and tokens.

“LetsExchange is undoubtedly the best option for coin teams to make their crypto assets grow and thrive. We provide top-notch crypto exchange solutions, such as an easy-to-integrate exchange widget and a Telegram bot that automates crypto trading within the app. CrystalCase will enhance these services by managing liquidity and developing a healthy market, enabling faster appreciation and adoption of cryptocurrencies issued by our partners,” Alex J., Chief Product Officer at LetsExchange, explained.

CrystalCase is a crypto market maker (CMM) with more than four years on the market. The company implements market strategies for crypto projects using algorithmic trading systems and deep market experience. CrystalCase provides various crypto services like market making, orderbook management, arbitrage, security, consulting, and more. The company has worked with more than forty clients, including prominent players in the industry like Nexo, Zelwin, MetaHash, LYO Credit, Paypolitan Token, EarthBi, DDKoin, Betmatch, and Hacken, to mention a few. This CMM is connected to more than fifty exchanges worldwide.

LetsExchange is an industry-leading platform for crypto-to-crypto swaps, supporting 2,300+ cryptocurrencies and 5.2+ million trading pairs. The company is constantly incorporating innovative products and solutions for B2B that impact the market. Individuals and crypto-related businesses can integrate the LetsExchange infrastructure through API, use exchange widgets and buttons, branded Telegram bots, and white-label solutions. Among partners who have already appreciated the quality of LetsExchange toolkits are Trezor, Edge, Exodus, Trustee, SwapSpace, SwapZone, Nano, ARK and Strake Foundation, Beldex, Telos, and many others.

Stay tuned for further updates, crypto guides, and market insights from LetsExchange. You can also follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Instagram, LinkedIn, Telegram, and Bitcointalk for first-hand information from our team.