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Band Protocol (BAND) Price Prediction 2025, 2030

Nov 28, 2022 4 min read

Band Protocol is a platform that feeds reliable real-world information to decentralized applications and smart contracts on cryptocurrency blockchains. This cross-chain data oracle platform operates in a decentralized manner. It provides real-world data, including sports, weather, price feed data, etc.

Band Protocol was initially launched on the Ethereum blockchain in September 2019. Later, it transitioned to the Cosmos network in June 2020. The new Band Protocol 2.0 was developed on BandChain using the Cosmos software development kit (SDK). The native token of the Band Protocol is BAND, which is the medium of exchange on BandChain.

In previous years, BAND has performed very well in the trading market. However, the BAND price has significantly dropped because of the ongoing crypto winter. Will this token’s price rebound in the coming years? Let us discuss it in our following Band Protocol price prediction.

Band Protocol Overview

As of November 24, 2022, the BAND price was around $1.7. According to CoinMarketCap, this token was the 293rd most valuable cryptocurrency per market capitalization. Other relevant stats for that date are summarized in the table below.

Coin Name

Band Protocol

Coin Symbol


USD Price


Market Cap


24h Trading Volume


Maximum Supply

100,000,000 BAND

Band Protocol Past Price Analysis

Band Protocol started trading on September 18, 2019, at $0.64. A few days after its launch, the BAND price dropped below $0.5 and remained like that until April 2020. Then, a slow appreciation ensued, taking this token’s price to around $1.5 in June 2020. The following month, BAND traded at approximately $3.5-$4. In August, the price skyrocketed, going above the $15 level. However, in September, the BAND price dropped again, fluctuating between $4 and $7 in the remainder of 2020.

At the beginning of 2021, the BAND price began to soar again. By mid-January, this token was selling at around $10. Then, the BAND price rapidly increased, reaching its all-time high at $23.2 on April 15, 2021. This tremendous appreciation was likely the result of the establishment of new partnerships with big-name companies like Google Cloud. However, the BAND price dropped again to around $5.5 by mid-July. Although this token’s price had a few ups in the remainder of 2021, it ended the year at $5.

In 2022, the crypto winter began, sending the price of many cryptocurrencies to unsuspected low levels. BAND was not an exception, and its price dropped below $5 in the first days of 2022. By mid-October, the BAND price was around $1. As of November 24, 2022, BAND traded at approximately $1.7.

Band Protocol Price Prediction

As we approach 2024, most analysts expect significant moves in the BAND trading price. So, what will happen in the following years? Let us discuss it in the next BAND price prediction for 2025, and 2030.

Band Protocol Price Prediction 2025

In 2025, the BAND price could be more than double what is predicted for 2024. For example, PricePrediction forecasts an average price of $5.7, with a potential maximum of $6.4. Likewise, TechNewsLeader indicates an average price of $4, with a possible maximum of $4.7. However, other sources have more conservative forecasts. For instance, TradingBeast predicts an average price of $3.8. For its part, WalletInvestor indicates an average BAND price of $2.5 in 2025.

Band price prediction 2030

In the long run, the BAND token will likely increase its price and set new all-time highs. For example, PricePrediction expects the BAND price to fluctuate between $34 and $41 in 2030, averaging $35.3 throughout the year. TechNewsLeader has a less optimistic prediction (but still quite bullish) with an average price of $29.4 and a maximum of $32.9.


Band Protocol is a promising project for the blockchain and crypto industries, which was reflected in the performance of its BAND token in previous years. Although this token's price has significantly dropped due to the crypto winter, its future might be bright. While price predictions are contradictory for the short-term performance, this token could have a tremendous appreciation in the long run.

Band Protocol Coin Price Prediction FAQs

Is Band Protocol a good investment?

It likely is, particularly as a long-term investment. This asset has demonstrated excellent performance in previous years, and the project has all that is needed for a remarkable comeback.

How does Band Protocol make money?

When users request data from the Band Protocol, they submit smart contracts to BandChain containing the details of the data they want and how these data must be aggregated. Network validators are then pseudo-randomly selected to provide the data. Users must pay specific fees in BAND to receive the requested data.

Chainlink is the most popular oracle by far. However, Band Protocol has some features that make it more functional to a broader audience. For example, Chainlink is only compatible with the Ethereum blockchain, whereas Band Protocol is compatible with dozens of other blockchains.

How much will Band Protocol be worth in 2025?

Price predictions for 2025 vary considerably. One of the most optimistic predictions puts the average BAND price at $5.7, with a possible maximum of $6.4.

What is the future of Band Protocol?

Band Protocol's future depends on the crypto industry's overall performance. However, this project has many potential applications in the DeFi sector, which has a bright future.

What is the BAND price today?

As of November 24, 2022, the BAND price was around $1.7. For an updated price, you can consult LetsExchange.io, where you can buy, sell, or exchange this digital asset at competitive rates.


Please keep in mind that the above information is based exclusively on our observations and is provided for informational purposes only. It doesn’t constitute any kind of financial advice nor represents an official forecast. Cryptocurrency is a highly volatile asset, and you are investing in it at your own risk.

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