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AMA Session with LetsExchange and Edge Experts

Aug 29, 2022 3 min read

LetsExchange, a leading instant exchange with the biggest number of available coins and tokens, is holding an AMA (Ask Me Anything) session together with Edge, one of the most popular mobile wallets worldwide. This AMA session aims to allow crypto users to ask experts questions about these companies' services. Thereby, you can clear your doubts and get tips for better results in your investing and trading activity with this information.

This post summarizes some of the most interesting questions several crypto community members asked. Let’s begin!

Question: What type of wallet is Edge?

Answer: Edge is a mobile wallet, meaning it is an app you must install on a mobile device. It is available for iOS and Android, and you can download it from the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store, respectively.

Question: There are various crypto wallets in the market. Why should I opt for Edge? What is unique about it? What makes it different from other wallets?

Answer: The most significant advantage of Edge over its competitors is its unique key management architecture. Users can create encrypted accounts that no one else can access. One such account contains automatically encrypted and automatically backed up private keys to all crypto wallets belonging to a user. It is also possible to set up 2FA and password recovery. This way, users do not need to write down their private keys, a procedure with inconveniences like losing the piece of paper where the private keys are written (thereby losing crypto funds permanently). For added security, Edge accounts are automatically protected with IP validation.

Question: How can I recover my crypto assets if something happens to my mobile device where I have the Edge wallet installed?

Answer: For security reasons, Edge cannot access your crypto assets or any information related to your account. If something happens to your mobile device, you can restore your Edge wallet by downloading the Edge app on a new device and entering your username and password. Rest assured, you will find your crypto assets as you left them.

Question: Must I provide personal information to create an Edge account?

Answer: The Edge wallet utilizes a zero-knowledge security architecture, meaning you do not need to provide any of your personal information to create an account. Not even an email address is required. Therefore, Edge users are kept completely anonymous.

Question: In what countries is Edge available?

Answer: Edge is available in over 150 countries with the ability to buy crypto with a credit/debit card, convert crypto to crypto, and send and receive funds. LetsExchange now powers these features. It also supports dozens of countries with the ability to buy and sell crypto from bank accounts with native transfer methods such as SEPA and ACH.

Question: On August 2, 2022, a series of attacks on the Solana blockchain compromised the security of 8,000 wallets. Were Edge wallets hacked?

Answer: Not at all. Not a single Edge wallet was hacked. Since its launch in 2018, Edge has never had a security breach in any of its more than three million accounts. The attacks on Solana led to losses accounting for several million dollars in cryptocurrency. These losses could have been prevented if users had stored Solana coins in Edge wallets.

Question: I read that Edge recently integrated LetsExchange functionality. What does this integration add to Edge?

Answer: Edge has always been committed to providing its customers with the best selection of crypto assets at the best prices. The integration with LetsExchange strengthens this commitment by delivering competitive rates (particularly for large sums) and a great selection of digital coins and tokens, particularly for crypto-to-crypto swaps.

Question: How many cryptocurrencies does LetsExchange support?

Answer: It currently supports over 740 digital coins and tokens, totaling more than 550,000 exchange pairs. LetsExchange is the instant exchange with the largest number of crypto assets available for trading and continuously adds new digital coins and tokens. The number of supported cryptocurrencies grows day by day. Users can transact with these cryptocurrencies without mandatory registration and KYC checks.

Question: Does LetsExchange allow for other types of transactions besides crypto-to-crypto swaps?

Answer: Yes, it does. On its website, LetsExchange supports crypto-crypto swaps as well as fiat-to-crypto and crypto-to-fiat transactions. Moreover, it also features a DEX for users that prefer to swap digital assets without intermediaries.

Question: How does LetsExchange ensure competitive rates for crypto swaps?

Answer: LetsExchange utilizes proprietary Smart Rate technology that cherry-picks the most profitable rate across multiple major exchange platforms and liquidity providers for every swap. Transactions involving large sums benefit from the best rates in the market.

Click here to download Edge today. Follow Edge on social:
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