Presenting AMA with LetsExchange
LetsExchange is a one-stop multi currency exchange service free of registration, limits, and complications. Built by a team of crypto visionaries with 10+ years of experience in the blockchain space and fintech, LetsExchange saves your time at each step of a crypto swap and amplifies your trading revenues.
When you are swapping on LetsExchange, you get the following benefits:
- An opportunity to choose between a fixed and a floating rate
- More than 370+ supported coins for effortless swaps
- No KYC and a mandatory account registration
- No limitations
- A fully automated swap process
- 24/7 live customer support.
Mr Russel was the host from LetsExchange, and Mr Roger was the guest. He shared interesting information about LetsExchange and replied to question of the ARIVA community.
Hello everyone, it is time for the AMA with Let'sExchange ???
Hi :)
Ray Michael:
Let's go guys ???Hi, how are you?
Roger LetsExchange:
Hi all, nice to meet you !
Cat Razz:
Good day buddy
Alright guys, below will be the different sessions of the AMA
Sessions 1: The chat will be muted & the guest will make a quick introduction about himself and LetsExchange
Sessions 2: 10 main questions will be asked
Sessions 3: Community live questions from members of the community
Alright guys, let's start ???
We will mute the community now, do not panic, you are not banned, we are just having an AMA.
Let's head to the first session.
We will like @RogerLetsExchange to introduce himself and make a brief introduction of Let'sExchange
Roger LetsExchange:
Great guys, nice to meet you all! Thanks for joining to this session. I’m Roger, representing to LetsExchange ( I’m the business developer guy here. And I will be more than happy to introduce to you our exchange platform, talk about the benefits that you can find here and basically let you know how we are working and what goals we have.
You can always follow our news and the actual coin listing in our website, following us in our social media platforms!
So let me provide a brief introduction about LetsExchange here below.
LetsExchange is continuously growing and expanding its range of partner and B2B services. We are providing CEX exchange and soon in this week we will launch our DEX exchange as well.
We plan on launching a decentralized exchange (DEX). This service will allow users to perform cross-chain swaps and other crypto operations more straightforwardly.
Soon, LetsExchange will add more modalities to its affiliate program. Exchange widgets and buttons will be available shortly. Widgets and buttons will be customizable, allowing for seamless integration into any platform. Also, a white-label exchange is among the plans for the future. This product will allow anyone to launch their cryptocurrency exchange without developing everything from scratch.
Which is important to increase and close strongest partnerships in the B2B to provide you the better services as it's possible.
LetsExchange has consolidated as one of the fastest-growing instant exchanges in the crypto sphere. By choosing to partner with our exchange, you can enjoy the following benefits:
- No revenue limits or restrictions. The more swaps a partner drives, the more money they earn.
- No upper transaction limits. Our platform does not limit the amount of cryptocurrency of each swap. Hence, a partner’s income from a single transaction is also unlimited.
- Instant swaps. LetsExchange does not require users to register or go through a KYC procedure. Referrals can swap coins straight away and without hassle, increasing our partners’ revenue.
- A large selection of supported coins. With over 350 cryptocurrencies, users will undoubtedly find their preferred trading pairs. We continuously add more digital coins and tokens to our list of supported cryptocurrencies.
- Fixed and floating exchange rates. As a result, more swaps are performed on our platform, boosting our partners' revenue.
- We are committed to offering premium instant exchange services. To attain this goal, we improve our platform regularly to provide better and more varied functionality.
Alright, that's impressive.
Thanks for the introduction
Roger LetsExchange:
Always Welcome :)
Now let's head to the second session, main questions
Q1. What are 2022 goals and plans?
Roger LetsExchange:
Thanks for the question!
As I mentioned before, we are strict following the next goals In 2022:
1. We plan on launching a decentralized exchange (DEX). This service will allow users to perform cross-chain swaps and other crypto operations more straightforwardly. Which should be done within this week.
2. We are listing a important number of new coins which will be a fantastic benefit to our customers! Currently we are supporting almost 366 coins and more than 130.000 coins pairs! At the end of the month we should have almost 700 coins
3. We are launching our FIAT exchange as well
Seems like a lot to look forward to
Q2. How much can a partner earn working with your affiliate partnership program?
Roger LetsExchange:
Good question! Our affiliate program is an important part of our business. So if you are looking to earn extra great incomes! Feel free to join to our affiliate program ( or text me in telegram (@RogerLetsExchange)
As a partner of our cryptocurrency referral program, you are entitled to a 0.45% commission per swap you refer. However, if you opt for the Development API modality, you can earn a higher commission. The API allows setting a custom exchange fee, representing a higher income for your business. Technically, there is no limit to the extra income you can generate as a LetsExchange partner.
I would like to add that we have partners earning more than 70k USDT in small time period operating with our affiliate program
Q3. What facilities and advantages do you provide to your customers compared to other exchanges?
Roger LetsExchange:
LetsExchange has consolidated as one of the fastest-growing instant exchanges in the crypto sphere. Out customers can enjoy the following benefits:
1. No revenue limits or restrictions. No maximum limit per swaps!
2. No upper transaction limits. Our platform does not limit the amount of cryptocurrency of each swap.
3. Instant swaps. LetsExchange does not require users to register or go through a KYC procedure. Referrals can swap coins straight away and without hassle. By our last statistics, we have cover the exchanges into 1,5 minute! Which is really fast
4. A large selection of supported coins! As I mention before, we will have soon more than 700 coins listed, currently we support 366 cryptocurrencies, users will undoubtedly find their preferred trading pairs. We continuously add more digital coins and tokens to our list of supported cryptocurrencies.
5. Fixed and floating exchange rates. As a result, more swaps are performed on our platform.
6. Customer Support 24/7
7. CEX, DEX and FIAT exchanges, all in one platform !
Q4. Who is the team back
Roger LetsExchange:
LetsExchange was founded by a group of crypto visionaries with more than ten years of experience in the blockchain and fintech spaces. Currently, it is run by a team of international professionals in several areas. Each team member contributes their expertise to offer outstanding service to our customers. We have offices in Hungary, Hong Kong, Ukraine with more than 250 team members working hard to provide you the best service!
Q5. What do I need to do, if I want to list my coin in your exchange?
Roger LetsExchange:
LetsExchange takes the inclusion of new coins and tokens very seriously. If you want our platform to list your cryptocurrency, we conduct an internal KYC procedure for verification. If passed, then the coin is added to our list of supported coins. You can always get in contact with us by this link in case you want to add new coins (
Q6. Is KYC required on LetsExchange?
Roger LetsExchange:
LetsExchange values customer's privacy and does not require the completion of KYC procedures. What’s more, users can transact on our platform without registration or disclosing sensitive information.
That's great
Q7. Do you have upper limits on swaps?
Roger LetsExchange:
No, we wanna provide the easiest and fastest way to provide you a secure exchange with a minimal of requirements! Saying this, LetsExchange does not impose an upper limit on the cryptocurrency amount users can exchange.
This is impressive
Q8. Is LetsExchange fully automated?
Roger LetsExchange:
Nice question!
Yes, LetsExchange utilizes technology that fully automates the processing and execution of crypto swaps. Our platform performs all the operations needed for every exchange under the hood, working like a charm for final users. As result you receive a professional, fast and secure exchange platform! So guys, feel free to try our exchange platform, right now ! ?
Q9. What is LetsExchange commission on swaps?
Roger LetsExchange:
Usually, users pay network and processing fees only in every swap. LetsExchange charges minimal commissions on some crypto pairs, thereby keeping the overall exchange rates highly competitive. Comparing to the market pricing! We are in a really nice position providing you a great exchange rate. We are proud very proud of this!
Nice, thanks for the answer
Q10. How many customers do you currently have?
Roger LetsExchange:
Thanks for the question!
LetsExchange has consolidated a solid base of regular customers spread over 159 countries. The number of customers has grown 78 times in the last (as of April 2022) since the platform's launch in March 2021. Likewise, the number of crypto swaps completed on our platform grew by 100 times in the same period.
Great, let's wrap up this session with the last question
Roger LetsExchange:
What are the top 3 exchanged coins?
Roger LetsExchange:
Great question!
The most traded cryptocurrencies on our platform are Bitcoin (BTC), Ether (ETC), and Binance Coin (BNB). However we are looking how in the last time, Ariva (ARV) is getting a nice position in the top coins to exchange!
Thanks, that concluded the second session
We will unmute the community and let anyone who has questions ask
Roger LetsExchange:
Nice thing, let,s continue with the questions! Then guys! Shoot :)
hi...what is your prediction on Arv price on upcoming may?
The questions should be about LetsExchange where Arv is listed
Roger LetsExchange:
Hello ?
Joendson Oliveira:
Brasil ???
Roger LetsExchange:
Yes, we support Brasil market as well!
what is the letsexchange ranking ?
Husain Mashakheel:
When we make an order to buy arv it’s taken allot off time to complete the transaction! Is that liquidity issue or it’s normal in all exchanges?
The group will be muted again in a few seconds so that @RogerLetsExchange will answer the available questions
Roger LetsExchange:
Nice question, depending on the coin pair to swap! We have realized that average we are in the top 4 exchanges.
Thanks for let me know, actually I have tested a ARV swap and it's taking quite more time comparing to other coins, usually it should be done from 2 up to 15 minutes! I will talk with the team to check this asap!
In case you will face again this problem, feel free to touch our customer support team here ( they will resolve this asap!
Alright, thanks so much for explaining about LetsExchange
I will unlock the group now
Roger LetsExchange:
Thank you guys for this session and joining to this AMA. Feel free to try